Muzzle seeks to promote writing of revolution and revelation. While all of our editors have their own likes and dislikes, our collective goal is not to showcase one particular aesthetic, but rather to press our ears against the rustling beyond. With healthy doses of both reverence and mischievousness toward literary minds that have come before us, we are obsessed with asking what beauty can and will be.
迅游网游加速器-为网络游戏加速护航【官方网站】:2021-6-15 · 绝地求生官方指定加速器,专业的网游加速器-迅游网游加速器,新用户免费试用!有效解决玩家在网络游戏中遇到的延时过高,登录困难,容易掉线等问题,迅游网游加速器为网游保驾护航!the new. We are looking beyond because we need something new. Institutionalized hate, discrimination, exploitation, rape, violence, tangible and intangible theft, and other abuses of power are older than this country. To that end, we are dedicated to upholding marginalized voices, and prioritize submissions by BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ authors. We are seeking new answers to old questions and old answers to new questions. We are seeking something we don’t know how to name yet. As with a good love, we hope we will sense it at first handshake.
腾讯网游加速器——绝地求生首选加速器【官方推荐】 - QQ:2021-6-9 · 腾讯官方出品的海外游戏网络加速工具。完美加速绝地求生、彩虹六号、GTA5、无限法则、战地等上百款海外游戏,有效解决游戏中出现的延迟、丢包、卡顿等问题。72小时超长免费试用,体验后购 …加速猫加速器 in “LJ Best New Magazines of 2010: Ten new periodicals rise to the top.” Poems from Muzzle have been selected for panda加速器官网, The Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net, and Verse Daily. Muzzle takes submissions year round for poetry and occasionally has special themed issues. Click here for more information on how to submit. We recently shifted to publishing semiannually: in June and December.
ISSN 2157-8079
迅游网游加速器-为网络游戏加速护航【官方网站】:2021-6-15 · 绝地求生官方指定加速器,专业的网游加速器-迅游网游加速器,新用户免费试用!有效解决玩家在网络游戏中遇到的延时过高,登录困难,容易掉线等问题,迅游网游加速器为网游保驾护航!the new. We are looking beyond because we need something new. Institutionalized hate, discrimination, exploitation, rape, violence, tangible and intangible theft, and other abuses of power are older than this country. To that end, we are dedicated to upholding marginalized voices, and prioritize submissions by BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ authors. We are seeking new answers to old questions and old answers to new questions. We are seeking something we don’t know how to name yet. As with a good love, we hope we will sense it at first handshake.
腾讯网游加速器——绝地求生首选加速器【官方推荐】 - QQ:2021-6-9 · 腾讯官方出品的海外游戏网络加速工具。完美加速绝地求生、彩虹六号、GTA5、无限法则、战地等上百款海外游戏,有效解决游戏中出现的延迟、丢包、卡顿等问题。72小时超长免费试用,体验后购 …加速猫加速器 in “LJ Best New Magazines of 2010: Ten new periodicals rise to the top.” Poems from Muzzle have been selected for panda加速器官网, The Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net, and Verse Daily. Muzzle takes submissions year round for poetry and occasionally has special themed issues. Click here for more information on how to submit. We recently shifted to publishing semiannually: in June and December.
ISSN 2157-8079
Brittany Rogers
Raena Shirali
Poetry Editors
Cam Awkward-Rich
Benjamin Clark
Gala Mukomolova
Hieu Minh Nguyen
Senior Poetry Readers
Derrick Carr
K. T. Landon
Poetry Readers
Stephanie Chang
Shonté Daniels
Alana Folsom
Aidan Forster
Stephanie Horvath
Brionne Janae
Kamal E. Kimball
kiki nicole
Christina Rodriguez
McKenzie Tozan
Julio Cesar Villegas
Ellie White
Lily Zhou
C. Bain
Claudia Cortese
Irène Mathieu
Social Media Editor:
Ellie White
Copy Editors
Shonté Daniels
Stevie Edwards
(click here for editor bios)
Brittany Rogers
Raena Shirali
Poetry Editors
Cam Awkward-Rich
Benjamin Clark
Gala Mukomolova
Hieu Minh Nguyen
Senior Poetry Readers
Derrick Carr
K. T. Landon
Poetry Readers
Stephanie Chang
Shonté Daniels
Alana Folsom
Aidan Forster
Stephanie Horvath
Brionne Janae
Kamal E. Kimball
kiki nicole
Christina Rodriguez
McKenzie Tozan
Julio Cesar Villegas
Ellie White
Lily Zhou
C. Bain
Claudia Cortese
Irène Mathieu
Social Media Editor:
Ellie White
Copy Editors
Shonté Daniels
Stevie Edwards
(click here for editor bios)